Ilm o Amal

If schoolchildren were to compile a list of their least favourite subjects, maths would surely top that list. In this article, Sana Lone explores how society views maths ability, why the subject remains widely reviled and what can be done to change this.

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Dates: 28th February & 1st March 2014 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

This workshop will focus on the importance of a positive learning environment and ways to maintain it in the classroom.

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Dates: 8th February 2014 | Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

This workshop will focus on ways to promote word learning in the classroom that would contribute to development of essential language skills and vocabulary building.

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TRC News, Workshop

The ECE-CP 2012-2013 Concludes

During the quarter, as the final term drew to a close, wrap-up activities were in full swing. Faculty members were occupied with compilation of results and preparation and handing over of transcripts, field education reports, journals and feedback on final assignments to the graduating class. Along with bringing the term to a close, TRC-IECE members were managing the full-scale process of new intake for 2013-2014. This entailed coordinating with the shortlisted applicants, scheduling for written tests and panel interviews and the final run-up leading to selection of students for the new batch.

With the student body selected for the 2013-2014 cohort, classrooms were set up, display boards creatively done and other logistic preparations were made for the first term tee off. Prior to the orientation, student handbooks and academic calendars were also reviewed and updated.

Welcoming the 8th Cohort of TRC-IECE

TRC-IECE ushered in its 8th cohort of ambitious and enthusiastic in-service and pre-service students on September 7, 2013. The orientation was organized at the TRC-IECE


premises and was a curtain raiser to the commencement of the certification programme. Ms. Seema Malik, Director, TRC formally welcomed the new batch and introduced IECE, faculty members and administrative staff. She emphasized on the institutional norms of upholding standards of excellence and professionalism and encouraged the students to adopt the same since they will be part of TRC-IECE for the next ten months to come and even longer as members of the alumni. Ms. Uzma Rauf, faculty member, provided a run-down of academic and administrative aspects, touched upon logistic requirements and in-house facilitation mechanisms and responded to specific queries raised by the students during the discussion. The new batch members were also encouraged to breeze through their sets of academic calendars, Student Handbook and Academic Skills’ Guide, which were handed over to them during the orientation. Students were also shown the ropes as far as Field Education Course is concerned, since it is a part of all three terms, and differing requirements for in-service and pre-service students were highlighted.

Towards the end of the orientation, students visited the TRC library to collect their textbooks and library cards and interacted with faculty members present for questions and information that they had for the upcoming classes.

The First Term Commences

The 2013-2014 session officially began on September 9, 2013 with the Play Experiences course. The other courses for Term 1 are Child Development and Learning Environment, classes for which will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Adieu, Class of 2012-2013

The most awaited event of the year for the class of 2012-2013 dawned amidst much fervour and nostalgia. The graduation ceremony for the 7th batch of TRC-IECE was held on September 28, 2013 at the TRC premises and was attended by the graduating batch and their families. In a small yet statuesque gathering, the certificates were awarded to the successful students who had braved the academic pressures while coping with the often-strenuous job and household routines during the ten-month long programme. The 18 graduates beamed with pride of being IECE certified early childhood educators beginning their new journeys to make a difference in the lives of children they will teach.


The memorable ceremony started with a warm welcome note by Ms. Seema Malik, Director, TRC who also took the audience down the memory lane and shared the account of TRC’s evolution as a leading teacher education institution as well as creation of IECE as a labour of love to strengthen early years education in Pakistan. TRC’s pioneering work and contribution to addressing the daunting gaps in quality of teacher education in Pakistan especially ECE were also shared. She also welcomed and introduced the chief guest, Dr. Nafisa Shah, Member of the National Assembly, an old friend of TRC and a leading voice in the country for social change. Dr. Shah graciously consented to chair the event despite her hectic schedule.

Ms. Mahenaz Mahmud, Academic Advisor, TRC-IECE briefed the audience about the nature and structure of the ten-month programme. She explained how the ECE-CP helps the student transition from a regular classroom teacher to a professionally trained early childhood educator. She then invited two graduating students, Maha Laka and Nazia Kashif, to represent their group and share some of their experiences of being a part of ECE-CP.

Both graduates narrated a high-spirited account of their association with IECE; this was accentuated with both gratitude and aspiration and reflected how the experience transformed their lives as human beings and teachers. A presentation was also shown to the audience highlighting perspectives of each graduate on how they felt the programme benefitted them. One of the graduates expressed her sentiments in a panoptic phrase, which aptly said, “the ECE-CP changed my life.”

After the presentation, Ms. Mahenaz Mahmud invited the chief guest to give away certificates to the graduating students and sayGrad_2 a few words on the occasion. In her address, Dr. Nafisa Shah, congratulated TRC-IECE and the students and their families for successfully completing the course and assuming greater teaching responsibilities as qualified early childhood educators. She spoke at length about the deplorable state of education in the country, touching upon issues of access, quality and gender especially referring to the rural areas and reinforced the need for strengthening institutions like TRC and TRC-IECE to bring about real changes in education offered to our children. She emphasized that education like other sectors is in a state of crisis and urgent steps must be taken by creating synergies through public-private partnerships to address the issues. Dr. Shah also highlighted the impacts recent natural disasters have had on the education infrastructure in the country. She openly appreciated TRC’s pioneering work in ECE which she said is “otherwise marginal and marginalized in the country” and assured the management of her full support for scaling up the institution. She also committed to advocate for TRC whenever needed and urged that TRC must be transformed into a fully equipped teaching college with government’s backing. She was of the view that teachers will be advocates of change in moving towards a tolerant nation.

In the end, Director TRC thanked the audience for attending the ceremony and invited everyone to a scrumptious tea treat bringing the send-off to a cheerful close.

ECE-CP Term Activities

The first term of ECE-CP progressed as per the Academic Calendar throughout the quarter. The faculty kept busy with pre-class weekly planning, preparation, post session reviews and marking student assignments.

Field visits to schools kept the in-service students on their toes and so did the feedback sessions with Field Supervising Teachers who provided detailed critique of students’ on-site performance.

As December drew to a close so did Term 1. Whilst the students and teachers got some respite from the usual class routines, the IECE faculty had their hands full for preparing for the transition to Term 2.

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TRC News

Project activities and multi school workshops consumed most of the quarter with back to back stakeholders’ training under PSSP and many visits to Sehwan marking full swing implementation of the project. TRC’s training halls were filled to capacity with simultaneous multi school workshop sessions, which scaled upto six trainings in the month of November. The TRC management focused energies on negotiating for new projects and meeting with potential new partners; many consultations were held in-house for finalizing the project proposal for Open Society Foundations (OSF) for which planning was already underway from the last quarter. The efforts culminated into desirable results and TRC secured a one-year grant from OSF to embark on an exciting, innovative and inclusive programme with an aim to integrate much needed critical thinking skills into pre-primary and primary classrooms. Through the programme, TRC will be working closely with stakeholders from both public and private sectors to advocate for education reforms at the policy level.

TRC Trending…

TRC is on Facebook! We encourage all our readers to like us and subscribe to our page. Link up with us, ask questions, discuss issues, exchange views and help us in cultivating an empowering online community of ECE practitioners and activists … Lets connect to make a difference!

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Dates: 28th & 29th January 2014 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop has been designed to facilitate the teachers in understanding the Directed Writing component of O level English and to explore creative ways to teach it.

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Dates: 24th & 25th January 2014 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. & 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

This workshop will highlight the importance of positive child well-being and strategies to manage children with behavioural and emotional problems.

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Dates: 20th & 21st January 2014 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop is designed to enhance teachers’ ability to keep students engaged and motivated to help them overcome academic and emotional roadblocks that impact their performance beyond classroom test scores.

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TRC News

Dear Readers,

Please check out our new Opinion Poll on School Uniforms and cast your vote by the end of January 2014. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our December 2013 poll was about Increasing Teachers’ Salaries:

Increasing salaries is the best way to attract and retain good teachers, and eventually to raise the quality of education being imparted.

• I agree. A good salary will attract better-trained graduates to the profession, because the reality is that financial motivation is the strongest factor in adopting and staying in a career  (41%, 14 Votes)

• I disagree. Attracting and retaining teachers requires a wider approach that ensures career progress, their status in society and increases their professional responsibility along with salaries. (59%, 20 Votes)

The result:
The respondents who believe that teachers need more than higher pay to attract and keep them in their careers lead this opinion poll. Fifty-nine percent of the respondents believed that attracting and keeping teachers requires a more holistic approach that includes ensuring their status in society and their career progress. On the other hand, a significant 41% of the respondents believe that financial motivation is the greatest factor in attracting and keeping teachers in their careers.

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Ilm o Amal

For the first issue of Ilm o Amal in 2014, we got talking to veteran teachers to find out how dedicated teachers impact students’ lives and what makes them an invaluable asset to their schools. Shahrezad Samiuddin compiled the results, which were revealing, educating and interesting.

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