TRC News

TRC and the EDO Education, City District Government Karachi, Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Khumbhar, formalised a working relationship by signing an MOU on July 30, 2009.

Following the long awaited green signal to strengthen ECE classrooms in 40 public sector schools, the process moved ahead very swiftly. The EDO was very enthusiastic and requested that the workshops for heads and teachers be completed before Ramadhan.

It was agreed that “Behter Mustaqbil Ki Janib Gamzan” would be held as soon as schools reopened after the summer holidays. On August 04 – 05, from 9:00 – 2:00, TRC buzzed with activity, as 39 heads and 02 supervisors attended the ECE Orientation workshop. This workshop is the first in a series of workshops and classroom support TRC will be engaged in over the next two years, with Jamshed and Korangi Towns.

TRC’s Farzana Kausar, and Tabinda Jabeen, a teacher in PECHS Girls’ School who is a recent TRC-IECE graduate, gave participants an overview of ECE. The topics included the value of play, the setting up of a developmentally appropriate learning environment, the National ECE Curriculum and observation and assessment. The workshop focussed on participants’ role as heads and supervisors … what they would need to do to support their teachers to implement the National Curriculum for ECE. They also learnt about communicating with teachers, leadership qualities, observation in the classroom and giving effective feedback A classroom observation tool was handed out and discussed in detail. They developed a year long Action Plan to help them implement ECE successfully in their schools.

The participants were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the workshop’s varied methodology: brainstorming, interactive lectures, group work and discussions, reflection and self assessment, role play on communication and giving feedback and watching our training videos on the learning environment and the development of language and literacy skills. They shared their school experiences and discussed their concerns regarding the ECE classroom set up, and Observation and Assessment.

Supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy, RCC is a multi partner project initiated to strengthen ECE in Pakistan; it is coordinated by the Aga Khan Foundation Pakistan.

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TRC News

We think it is high time we did something more to reduce our carbon footprint. To find out more, read the message we sent to our members on Monday, August 03 2009:

Dear Colleague,

Today, everyone knows that our environment is under serious threat. Books have been written, !lms have been produced, songs have been sung, and environmentalists have sounded warnings. Yet, we just don’t seem to be doing enough to heal our planet.

As individuals, we have a responsibility and can make an impact by reducing our carbon footprint.

At TRC, we have decided to stop printing our annual report, Ilm o Amal, and workshop circulars. All the information you need is now available on TRC’s Interact Website. To keep your !nger on the pulse, all you need to do is:

1. Visit
Enter your e-mail address in the”Keep Updated” section

That’ it, you’re done! Each time we add something new to the site, you will receive an alert in your e-mail inbox.

Our website also offers a platform for debate, discussion, and interaction and we look forward to engaging with you. We also hope that you will be inspired by our decision to live green and initiate similar projects at home and at your schools.


Mahenaz Mahmud
Director Programme Development – TRC

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TRC News

To enhance teachers’ understanding of the importance of self esteem in the development of a child’s self image, TRC’s Sadiya Azeem conducted a four-hour workshop at Links preschool, on July 31, 2009.

The importance of self-esteem, how it develops and its impact on behaviour and on school performance, were discussed through interactive lectures and group presentations. The discussions were enriched by the participants’ open sharing of personal childhood experiences. This helped teachers realise, that their choice of words and accompanying facial expressions when talking with young children, is critical for the development of a child’s self esteem.

Like their colleagues in the primary schools, the preschool teachers showed a keen interest in attending longer workshops at TRC. We hope to see many more teachers attending workshops/courses to help improve children’s learning experiences in the school environment.

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TRC News

Two, four-hour workshops on classroom and behaviour management, were conducted by Mrs. Rubina Naqvi, for teachers of the lower and upper primary sections of Links School, on 27 and 28 July, 2009.

The workshops focussed on behaviour problems in the classroom and strategies to prevent and resolve them. Participants of both workshops were thoroughly engrossed in discussions on bullying, low self-esteem and attention-seeking; they shared personal experiences which enriched the discussion. The major challenge was the shortage of time, which always limits a discussion and acts as a barrier to meaningful interaction.

Interestingly, by the end of the workshop, the teachers expressed the need for longer workshops and agreed to cooperate with the management in future, when they suggested workshops of longer duration.

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TRC News

From June 9 – 11 2009, a three-day, 18-hour, school-focused training session was conducted for primary and secondary teachers. It was attended by 15 participants who had been earmarked as future mentors, for the professional development of the remaining teachers. The workshop focused on the concept, role and skills of a successful mentor and also refreshed teachers’ knowledge and experience about effective teaching. Mrs. Naqvi successfully involved the teachers in group discussions on the challenges of mentorship and how to address them.

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TRC News

On June 09, 2009 Mahenaz from TRC visited the little pre-school located in the Women’s Jail, Central Prison. She was delighted to meet the Superintendent, Ms. Sheeba Shah, the Assistant Superintendent and the teachers. The little school was well maintained, with child sized furniture and bright, developmentally appropriate pictures on the walls. Mahenaz read a story to the children about an elephant, and soon they were totally involved, wondering what would happen next and chatting happily about story and the pictures in the book. The children then went off to their mothers, while Mahenaz spent the next hour, showing the teachers how to use the PTB. We look forward to feedback from the Superintendent about the PTB, and hope that it is hanging on the walls of the jail pre-school, within reach of the children.

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TRC News

On 29 May, 2009, Ms. Sharmila Farooqui, advisor to the Sindh Chief Minister visited us at TRC. She appreciated our publications and showed great interest in our research studies on ECE. She was curious about our year-long ECE Certificate Programme; at the time a Field Education seminar was in progress. She chatted with the faculty and students who come from a diverse range of backgrounds, from the public and private sectors. She was truly moved by the motivation and commitment of the students … at the end of 45 minutes, she said wistfully, “I think I’d like to do this course as well.”

The Pehla Taleemi Basta which she saw next, truly fascinated her. In her words ” I’m enthralled by this Basta and I’m an adult … Can you imagine how 3 year olds will respond to it?” This led to her sending one to the little pre-school in the Women’s Jail, in the Central Prison, and making a commitment to purchase 1000 PTBs for children across Sindh. Needless to say, we are delighted.

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Daily DAWN



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TRC News

From May 27 – 29, 2009, Mrs. Rubina Naqvi from TRC, conducted a workshop at the DHA college premises, for 30 newly inducted teachers from different branches of the DHA schools.

This 15 hour workshop, was attended by teachers from their pre-primary, primary and secondary level schools. The focus of the workshop, as the title implies, was Effective Teaching. The content included important aspects of the learning process, the concept of active learning and different curriculum perspectives.

The highlights of the training session were: the active participation of each member of the group; the interest expressed in their professional development and the highly interactive discussions, despite the large group size. The teachers are keen to visit TRC and use our library to enhance their understanding of the teaching-learning process. The challenges were logistical and we have learnt not to get bogged down with these.

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TRC News

AMI School turns 25! They organised a concert at the school premises on 22 May 2009, to observe the day. Rubina Naqvi attended.

On 23 May 2009, BVS Parsi School marked the completion of 150 years of providing quality education to students in Karachi. The evening began with Alumni, Board and faculty reminiscing about the history and achievements of this prestigious institution. The ambience in the courtyard of the well-maintained building lent itself to the grandeur of the occasion.

Happy Home School Turns 60! Mahenaz Mahmud attended the anniversary celebrations on June 08, 2009. The staff and management paid a glowing tribute to Mrs. Mariam Farooqui, the founder and spirit behind Happy Home. All teaching and ancillary staff who have faithfully served the school were acknowledged with awards and certificates.

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