On 29 May, 2009, Ms. Sharmila Farooqui, advisor to the Sindh Chief Minister visited us at TRC. She appreciated our publications and showed great interest in our research studies on ECE. She was curious about our year-long ECE Certificate Programme; at the time a Field Education seminar was in progress. She chatted with the faculty and students who come from a diverse range of backgrounds, from the public and private sectors. She was truly moved by the motivation and commitment of the students … at the end of 45 minutes, she said wistfully, “I think I’d like to do this course as well.”

The Pehla Taleemi Basta which she saw next, truly fascinated her. In her words ” I’m enthralled by this Basta and I’m an adult … Can you imagine how 3 year olds will respond to it?” This led to her sending one to the little pre-school in the Women’s Jail, in the Central Prison, and making a commitment to purchase 1000 PTBs for children across Sindh. Needless to say, we are delighted.

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