TRC News

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delegation of USAID and EDC (Education Development Centre) representatives from Islamabad visited TRC on 22 January 2009, to explore the possibility of collaboration in implementing their Pre-Service Teacher Training Programme (Pre-STEP) being introduced at the government level

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TRC News

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n response to a request from BVS, Rubina Naqvi, Senior Manager, Membership Network at TRC, attended their Annual Primary and Secondary School Sports Day. On January 17 she attended as Chief Guest, and as an invitee on 31 January, 2009. It was a good feeling to attend a well organised function at an established institution with 150 years of history

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TRC News

In the spirit of affecting more sustainable change, an additional dialogue was planned and facilitated on 5 January 2009 between HQF’s resource teachers and the pre-primary/primary teachers of The Learning Tree school where several children with disabilities are enrolled through HQF. Being the first conversation of its kind, after some initial hesitation, the teachers opened up and shared their views and concerns. Mutual issues as highlighted by HQF and the administration of The Learning Tree were addressed too. As a result, change has already come with honest follow-through from all the teachers on the troubleshooting strategies shared during the dialogue. We applaud them for their efforts and hope such dialogue continues to improve the educational experiences of children with disabilities in their care.

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TRC News

On 31 December 2008, TRC, represented by Amima Sayeed and Farzana Kausar, participated in the first meeting of the Provincial ECE Technical Committee and made a presentation on its ECE programme and services for the public sectior. A Technical Committee (TCM) has been formed, with the support of the RCC Programme, to ensure that public and private sector interventions for ECE are in sync with existing needs. It also aims to bring the current expertise for ECED programming together, to support the Public sector in better planning and utilization of funds for the promotion and improvement of ECE in Sindh. Though the Secretary Education could not make it to the first meeting, we sincerely hope the public sector uses this forum effectively!

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Course No. 950
This workshop will help pre-primary teachers understand how they can assist young children in developing a positive attitude towards a safe and active way of living.

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The Film Club

‘A Wednesday’ is a film starring Anupam Kher, Naseeruddin Shah, Jimmy Sheirgill and Aamir Bhasin. The screenplay is excellent and the characters have been masterfully created. Prakash Rathod, Commissioner of Police, Mumbai gets a call demanding the release of four militants in exchange for information on bombs that a man has planted in various parts of the city. At first, Prakash suspects it to be a crank call but his doubts are dispelled once he actually finds a bomb planted in the police station right opposite his Police Headquarters.

Now Prakash Rathod is in a real dilemma. Should he release the militants? Militants who have been caught at the cost of lives of police officers and who are responsible for unaccountable damage to civilian lives and property. Or should he just think of all the innocent people who will die today if he decides not to let them go?
Prakash Rathod is not a man who will give up so easily. He gets a team of his best men together and taps all his resources – he is going to leave no stone unturned in his mission to track down the man.

Who is this man? What is his identity? What are his intentions and what are the motives behind his actions? In due course the caller reveals his true identity and answers these questions, raising some more in the process…

Facilitators: Ghazanfar Shahzad & Uzma Rauf
Date: Thursday, January 22, 2009
Time: 2:15 p.m.
Venue: TRC
Duration: Film & Discussion: 3 Hours
Fee: Rs. 200

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