Dates: 21st, 22nd & 23rd December 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Homework is a standard part of all children’s school experience and the amount of homework assigned usually increases dramatically as the student matures through the grades. It is an issue that needs careful consideration by the school authorities. In this workshop, participants will learn how to take decisions about the amount of homework that the students will be able to handle, followed by thoughtful planning in collaboration and consultation with the whole educational team.

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Dates: 15th & 16th December 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Information and Communication Technology opens educational resources that can increase educational productivity by accelerating the rate of learning and help teachers to better utilise their time in an effective manner. This workshop will help teachers to understand the required skills and expertise for technology integration in order to be connected to their students professionally and also improve their own instruction skills.

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Dates: 18th, 19th & 20th November 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

How can educational leaders act ethically for their respective institutions? What are the practices that create an ethical and moral educational setting? How do these practices affect students? This workshop will help you explore some of the important questions that educational leaders must ask themselves as they lead our educational institutions into the future.

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TRC News

Dear Readers, Please check out our new Opinion Poll on whether children should be praised frequently or not, and cast your vote by the end of November 2015. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our October 2015 poll was about whether grades reflect a student’s intelligence:

Grades reflect a student’s intelligence; because they are the most reasonable way of differentiating between those who made the effort to study, understand and apply knowledge and those who didn’t.

• I agree. Grades reflect a student’s mastery of a subject. Grades may not reflect someone’s intelligence perfectly, but they are the closest marker of true assessment. (22%, 11 Votes)

• I disagree. Intelligence is too multifaceted to be determined by grades. Grades merely reflect a student’s level of interest in a topic, his test-taking skills and his memory. (78%, 39 votes)

The majority of those who responded to this poll (78%) think that grades do not reflect a student’s intelligence. These respondents believe that grades mainly reflect a student’s interest in a subject and his proficiency in taking tests. On the other hand, a minority (22%) of those who responded believe that grades are a reliable indicator of intelligence, because they come very close to measuring learning.

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Ilm o Amal

If a teacher is to maintain control of a class it is important that she been seen as someone who is fair. In this month’s Ilm o Amal, we explore the concept of fairness in a classroom and share a few tips that teachers can use to ensure impartiality.

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This quarter saw the end of Term 3 of the ECE-CP 2014-15 where students bid goodbyes and farewells to their peers and course leaders with promises of staying in touch. The programme’s closure kept the faculty busy in grading assignments and evaluations and in compilation of the end of term results.

Concurrently recruitment for the next batch was in full swing with applicants’ interviews and written assessments progressing side by side. The student handbook and the academic skills’ guide for the 2015-16 session were reviewed for the student orientation before commencement of classes.

The 10th batch is Onboard!


A student orientation was held on August 6, 2015. The orientation was well attended by the newly enrolled candidates. Ambreena Ahmed, Director, TRC formally welcomed the candidates and later Noshin Khan, Senior Manager IECE and Uzma Rauf, Manager, IECE provided detailed briefings about how the programme will be rolled out and expectations from students. The candidates were encouraged to ask questions and discuss any aspect which they felt needed more clarity.

At the orientation the enrolled candidates officially became students of the ECE-CP as they received their student cards, library cards, academic calendar, student handbook and academic skills’ guide. An informal chat between students and IECE management followed. Tea and snacks marked the end of the orientation.

Term 1 Classes Begin

The end of this quarter saw the beginning of the scheduled classes for Term 1 of the ECE-CP 2015-16. Along with the planned regular classes, both pre and in-service students were given orientations on the Field Education course. For placement of the pre-service students, the schools were contacted where orientation meetings with the school, field supervising teachers and the pre-service students were initiated to help the students settle into their field classes.

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Dates: 21st November 2015 | Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

An essential feature of the teaching skills involved in establishing a positive classroom climate concerns how best to foster pupils’ motivation towards learning. This workshop will focus on ideas for planning motivating activities when introducing new concepts to children in the classroom.

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TRC News

TRC strongly made it’s presence felt in the public sphere with three back to back events with support from Open Society Foundations. Two seminars and a research workshop saw an overwhelming response from both public and private sectors and dynamic representation. The events went a long way to reinforce our commitment for discourse and advocacy to promote empowerment of teachers and children as learners and for transforming learning environments through research, training and academic enrichment. TRC-IECE also entered into it’s milestone decade year with the ushering in of the 10th batch.

TRC Trending…

TRC is on Facebook! Where we share ideas, tips and informative news for our online teaching community. It is a space to learn new ideas, share experiences and be informed of all the latest happenings at TRC.

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Dates: 10th, 11th & 12th November 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Project work in Science can be used as a support programme to reinforce the learning of scientific concepts and their application in the child’s daily life. It makes children aware of the delicate balance of nature in their local environment. This workshop will provide ideas to use science studies as topics for project work and promote thinking and communication skills among the students.

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TRC News

Dear Readers, Please check out our new Opinion Poll on whether grades reflect a student’s intelligence, and cast your vote by the end of October 2015. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our September 2015 poll was about whether Physical Education should be competitive or not:

Physical Education classes in school should not be competitive as children who are not good at sports get discouraged and put off from exercise for life.

• I agree. When schools encourage competition, it can be demoralising for children who fail. The emphasis in Physical Education classes should be on physical fitness and improving one’s own performance. (69%, 31 Votes)

• I disagree. Physical education should be about competition, because life is competitive. Students should be ambitious enough to want to win, and those who lose should learn to be gracious. (31%, 14 Votes)

The majority of respondents (69%) feel that the element of competition in physical education classes can be demoralising for those who fail. They feel that PE classes should be focussed on building physical fitness and improving one’s own performance. The remaining 31% of the respondents feel that competition should be an integral part of PE classes, because it helps students face competition and deal with it in the real world.

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