TRC News

Mr. Lila Ram, Senior Manager Research and Advocacy presented an academic paper at a two-day International Conference on Embedding Quality Education for All-District Initiatives across Pakistan held on 5-6 March 2008 at Faisalabad.
Mr. Ram’s paper on “Evidence-Based Policy in Education: Issues and Challenges in Pakistan” reflected on the reasons for the gap between research and policy and highlighted the issues and challenges of this field. In this context, the paper also touched on TRC’s experiences of policy dialogue and public-private partnerships in education. Mr. Ram concluded that the challenges for Evidence-Based Policy in education are related to the lack of realization about the importance of scientific evidence, political agendas and the lack of effective mechanisms to ensure the use of evidence, effective dissemination of research findings and the quality and relevance of evidence.

The conference was organized by the Strategic Policy Unit, City District Government Faisalabad. The objective of the conference was, to provide a platform for sharing experiences and positive practices with respect to quality education and to promote networking opportunities for stakeholders, policy makers and researchers on decentralized initiatives in education. At the conference, speakers shared their views, ideas and experiences under the three main themes of the conference: 1) Whole School Development, 2) Public Private Partnerships and 3) Evidence Based Planning. Educators from Pakistan, South Asia, USA and UK participated in this conference.

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TRC News

10 March 2008: The PTB is considered an invaluable learning resource by all the ECE teachers who currently use it, in public sector schools across Pakistan. The PTB first launched in 1999, is undergoing a thorough review; all the contents and design of the Basta are being updated and it is hoped that the improved bag will be of even greater value to its users. It is expected that the new Bastas will be available for sale by the end of this year.
A colleague and friend of TRC recently wrote about the TRC-Institute of ECE; the ECE-CP and the PTB:
” Congratulations on the excellent work you are doing. This is wonderful news indeed!  I still remember the Taleemi Basta and think it is one of the best examples of an ECCD kit I’ve seen.  I wish I’d bought one when I was in Pakistan.”

Hania Kamel, Ph.D
International ECD Specialist

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Media Literacy Initiative

The Children’s Opinions! Media Survey was distributed to selected member schools in the second week of February 2008. We have had a good response. The survey responses will be compiled and analysed and will serve as critical primary research for the further development of the Media Literacy Programme. A BIG “thank you” to all the schools and students who participated in the survey! 🙂

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TRC News

On 8 February 2008, a delegation from Punjab led by Ms. Baela Raza Jamil, Chairperson, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) and EDO Education, Faisalabad visited TRC. The visiting delegation consisted of 11 educationists from the Institute of Learning, District Education Office and Strategic Policy Unit, City District Government Faisalabad and ITA.

TRC’s representative made a formal presentation on the philosophy, activities and experiences of the organisation. The main thrust of the discussion was concerned with TRC’s experiences in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) over the years, because the prime objective of the visit was to gain insights into PPP experiences. The group members were inspired by TRC’s policy dialogue regarding the National ECE Curriculum.

The group was then shown the library and TRC’s learning resources. They showed a keen interest in TRC’s materials. They were given a copy of our latest issue of Ilm o Amal and two research studies namely a KAP Study on Childrearing Practices and The Story of School Improvement. The group members especially the EDO, Education and DOE (Women) Elementary Education showed their interest to work with TRC and intend to send a formal request to TRC in this regard.

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TRC News

The AGM scheduled for December, had to be delayed owing to the unfortunate violence experienced in our city and the ensuing political unrest and safety concerns in Karachi. The AGM was finally held on Saturday, 26th January 2008. This year was special because once again, it was Election Year for the Governing Body.

The AGM was a good opportunity for members to visit our new premises; we worked hard at creating a hospitable and warm environment for representatives from member schools and members of our Governing Body. In addition to the Directors, and Treasurer, members of the Training and Development Team gave attendees an update on TRC’s work during the reporting period; July 2006 – June 2007. Members expressed their appreciation and support for the work that TRC has carried out over the years. Five new GB members replaced the outgoing members in an unopposed election. After the meeting was concluded, refreshments were served and members were given a tour of the new premises. Hot soup, on this cold afternoon, was a very welcome addition to the menu.

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TRC News

On January 10, 2008, TRC was invited to a consultancy meeting regarding EFA in Sindh during 2008 (and beyond), by the Literacy and Non-Formal Education department, GoS at their office. Ms. Amima Sayeed, Senior Manager Advocacy and Programme Development, TRC attended the meeting. Attendees were informed that a new PC1 had been submitted and they were hopeful that it would be approved. The PC 1 includes a plan to construct 322 rooms to establish ECE Centres for which one “in-charge” person would be appointed. The plan includes the purchase and a budget for learning materials for the ECE Centres; TRC’s Pehla Taleemi Basta is on their list.

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TRC News

Having moved to our new premises, we looked forward with great enthusiasm to the re-launch of the Film Club on October 27, 2007 with ‘Pursuit of Happyness’ an English film about a father struggling to give his young son a better life. But given the unfortunate events on, and after October 18, 2007, we decided to postpone the TRC Film Club events indefinitely. We know that schools are still working on Saturdays to make up for days lost during troubled times. Keeping the convenience of our members in mind we have decided to have the film club re-launch after elections in late February 2008. We will inform you about the new dates closer to the time.

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TRC News

Nazia Bano, recruited as librarian at The Citizen’s Foundation, can be seen every day at the TRC library. She is learning how to manage a library from our librarian, Shahida Parween. Her work entails classifying, accessioning and shelving books. During her internship, which has been totally hands-on, she has been a great help to Shahida. Nazia’s 3-month internship ends in December 2007. We wish her well in her new job and are there for any support she may need in the future.

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TRC News

TRC celebrated its 21st anniversary on Monday 26th November 2007. The office was bubbling with excitement and positive energy. Lit diyas and plants greeted the guests as they walked in. Posters displaying TRC’s journey and landmark achievements adorned the office. Guests included founder members, people who have had a lengthy association with TRC and members from TRC’s Governing Body over the years.
The festivities began with TRC’s first GB reminiscing about the creation of TRC, followed by introductions of the current team and staff of TRC. Former members and the founding GB expressed excitement, pride and great interest in the work that TRC has done and all the new initiatives it has embarked upon. They went around the room exploring learning resources, publications, and other materials produced by TRC. Members of TRC, old and new mingled well and were filled with a sense of pride and joy.
Refreshments were served and TRC’s progress and growth was marked by a cake cutting ceremony; the cake was in the shape of the new logo. The event went well and TRC was infused with a renewed spirit and commitment to improving the quality of educational provision.
A three day edu-tainment event was being planned since November 2006, which would have “celebrated” ALL the wonderful people associated with TRC since 1986. When the political situation in the country became uncertain and Emergency was declared, a decision was made to scale down the celebration. So it turned out to be a low-key, but meaningful event.
To all of you who have been associated with us, members (both institutional and associate) staff, workshop leaders, children, teachers, parents, suppliers of school equipment/books, partner NGOs, education department officials, ministry officials, donors, consultants, evaluators and friends … a BIG thank you for being there and for contributing to TRC over these 21 years. Though you were not with us on the 26th of November 2006, you were certainly remembered.

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