Dates: 20th, 21st & 22nd October 2010 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will address how adults can better understand and therefore handles challenging behaviour in children effectively.

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Dates: 28th, 29th & 30th September 2010 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Explore ways to promote children’s thinking and develop them into confident, creative thinkers.

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The Film Club

Stanley ka Dabba is a little story with a big heart. Stanley, the little protagonist of Amole Gupte’s latest film, shows how we can rise above all the filth around us and make the world a better, beautiful place to live in.

Stanley ka Dubba which engaged 170 child actors, was shot using a Canon EOS 7D camera.


Stanley is a fourth grader who is very popular amongst his friends. He is talented and is liked by his teachers. However, he
satanley_ka_dabba-213x300 never brings his lunch box or ‘dabba’. ‘Khadoos’, as he is popularly called, is a Hindi teacher who does not bring his own dabba but likes to eat others’ lunch. Stanley’s friends share their lunch with him by hiding from Khadoos. Khadoos eventually finds them on the terrace and warns Stanley to bring his own lunch or stop coming to school. Stanley misses school for a few days and his absence is felt by his teachers and school mates. One fine day, Stanley brings his dabba packed with mouth-watering items for Khadoos. Khadoos realises his mistake and quits the school. Stanley’s performance in an inter-school festival is appreciated by everybody. Towards the end, the reason for Stanley’s lack of a dabba is revealed.

Facilitators: Mahenaz Mahmud & Uzma Rauf
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2011
Time: 10:00 a.m. ? 1:00 p.m.
Running Time: 95 minutes
Discussion: 75 minutes
Venue: TRC
Fee: Rs. 250 (inclusive of refreshments)

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TRC News

TRC takes Active Learning to Shikarpur
In July 2011, the Haji Maula Buksh Trust requested TRC to conduct a workshop on Active Learning at the Kehkashan School in Shikarpur. TRC?s Uzma Rauf conducted the 48-hour workshop from July 24-July 29. Teachers from nursery classes right up to class VII attended the workshop.

At the session, participating teachers were also introduced to the National Curriculum for ECE, which was developed by TRC in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, GoP, in 2002 and revised in 2007. During the six-day workshop, teachers learned to set up an active learning environment and how best to play their role in a child-centred environment.

It was exciting to see the participants comprehend the potential of active learning as many of the teachers discovered that ECE pedagogies could be adapted to meet the needs of children at the secondary level and above.

TRC Conducts Workshop for HOPE School

From July 26 – 28, a 3-day workshop titled Sabaq Ki Mansooba Bandi was conducted by TRC for teachers from the HOPE School. The workshop was conducted at Hope Secondary School, Zia Colony Korangi. TRC staff, Seema Yasmin and Nighat Hassan facilitated the training.

The topics covered during the workshop were, Importance of planning, Concept of Curriculum planning, Stages of developing the curriculum, Components of lesson planning and Methods of lesson planning.

The workshop was designed to clarify the basic concepts of curriculum and lesson planning. A total number of 16 participants attended the training. This being a theoretical workshop, poems were incorporated, which livened up the training and kept the participants interested.

RCC Training for Head Teachers

A ten-hour workshop titled Bachon Ki Behter Perwarish was conducted for head teachers of RCC partner schools in Jamshed and Korangi Towns on 27 – 28 July 2011. TRC?s Farzana Kausar and Tabinda Jabeen facilitated this workshop. The workshop was conducted to build capacity of the head teachers to enable them to raise awareness in their communities and convey important messages about child rearing practices, nurturing and taking care of young children. The contents of the workshop were Child development, Health, hygiene and immunisation, Importance of play and Promoting pro-social behaviour.

The participants designed posters and made pictorial messages. Some of the messages the participants came up with were ?Hifazati teekay, beemarion se tahaffuz?, ?Hum naye pauday laga ke mahol ko khushgawar bana saktay hein?, and ?Bachon ko baat cheet ka moqa dein aur unki baat ghor se sunein?. Different short stories and case studies related to the topics mentioned above were written to share with parents. The participants made action plans to hold workshops for parents in their schools in September and November 2011 and February 2012. TRC facilitators will also attend these workshops for support.

TRC Conducts Interactive Session at Reflections School

A 5-hour workshop on ?Management Styles of School Leaders? was planned and conducted by TRC?s Rubina Naqvi on 26 – 27 July 2011, at Reflections School for the management staff at different levels; it was attended by 24 participants.

The workshop focused on the concept of leadership in schools. The mission statement of the school was reviewed and its important aspects were highlighted. Participants explored the elements of professionalism and reflected upon their own management style through a self-profile. The value and stages of teamwork were emphasised and discussed in relation to the staff setup at the school. The sessions were interactive. Responses from the participants were candid and led to useful discussions on ways to resolve issues of coordination faced by them in managing the staff. The methods that were applied were questioning and interactive discussions, providing an opportunity for reflection as well as self-expression.

Professional Development for BFT

In response to a request from the Babaza Foundation Trust (BFT), a Professional Development Programme commenced in August 2011. From 8 ? 29 August, TRC staff conducted observations and gave feedback to teachers in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the primary classroom. The programme was based on classroom observations, followed by individual feedback.

To share the collective findings of the classroom observations, an eight-hour workshop was conducted by TRC?s Rubina Naqvi, from September 9 ? 10, for 16 teachers. The workshop was designed to focus on the good practices that had been observed as well as the areas that needed improvement. This workshop focused on lesson planning, active learning, effective questioning and English proficiency.

The sessions were meaningful and relevant, as they were built around actual examples from the teachers? own classrooms. This helped them to relate theory to their practice, and understand different aspects of the learning process.

It was heartening to see the responses and eagerness of the teachers to learn. It is hoped that the school reaches its goals and the trust is able to realise its vision of providing sound education to underprivileged children. A detailed report with findings and recommendations for further development was submitted to the trustees in the end of September 2011.

TRC Participates in UNESCO?s ?Parents? Education on ECCE? Initiative

A second National Workshop was held in UNESCO?s office in Islamabad on 12 and 13 September 2011, to review the second draft of the Parent Education Guidebook and Facilitators? Handbook. Tabinda Jabeen from TRC attended this meeting. This time representatives from BRAC and Society for Community Support for Primary Education in Balochistan, also attended the National Workshop. This two-day meeting was sufficient to review the draft thoroughly. Members shared their comments and made suggestions about the different sections of the Parent Guidebook and Facilitators? Handbook.

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TRC News, Workshop

• ECE-CPU briefing with District Officer Education

On August 22, 2011 a meeting was set up with District Officer Education (DOE), Mrs Farnaz Riaz, at her office in Karimabad. In the meeting Mrs. Riaz was briefed about the upcoming ECE-CPU (Early Childhood Education Certificate Programme in Urdu). The occasion was also used to apprise her of TRC-IECE policies concerning the teachers selected from the RCC project schools for the Programme.

The DOE displayed a keen interest in the Programme and enquired in detail about its structure and logistics, the course content, the instructors, and the selection criteria for the students. The meeting resulted in a request by the DOE to visit TRC and meet the directors.

The second meeting took place on September 16, 2011 at TRC. The selected teachers were introduced to the DOE during the meeting. The teachers also signed an undertaking on the occasion, in which they agreed to abide by TRC-IECE polices.

Visit to Child to Child Trust

On August 17, 2011, Seema Malik and Mahenaz Mahmud visited the Child-to-Child Trust, located at the Institute of Education, University of London. They met with the CtC Director, Tricia Young. Following an introduction to the work of the two organizations, it became apparent that we shared a very similar philosophy and approach to children’s education.

Tricia showed keen interest in establishing a long-term collaboration/working relationship with TRC. She was very impressed and excited by our innovative work and projects.

We also met Christiana Brown, Project Officer, CtC Trust with whom we discussed ECE, an area of mutual interest and concern. It was a thrill to see that they had our Pehla Taleemi Basta in their resource room:)

• TRC Visits the University of Bradford

To finalise the long awaited ECE-CP validation agreement, TRC Directors, Seema Malik and Mahenaz Mahmud visited the University of Bradford in August, 2011. During the visit, issues raised by the Course Assessment and Review Team (CART) were addressed, along with administrative and legal issues.

• TRC Visits York St. Johns University

On August 09, TRC staff drove to York with Nadira Mirza, Dean, SLED, University of Bradford. There they met with Professor Julian Stern, Faculty of Education and Theology and Heather Elliot, Senior Lecturer in Early Years. She was the external expert on the CART, during the review meetings of the ECE-CP validation process. We were informed that she was extremely impressed by the course, in terms of academic rigour, content, quality and high expectation of the students.

Following a warm welcome, a tour of the beautiful University and lunch, the three institutions discussed the possibility of collaborative projects in the future.

• The University of Bradford Validates the ECE-CP

On September 01, 2011, the University of Bradford and the TRC-Institute of ECE signed a validation agreement, bringing the four-year process to fruition.

As of now, students who enrol and successfully complete our ECE – Certificate Programme will receive an Award from the University. The internationally recognised award is a Certificate of Higher Education in ECE, from the University of Bradford, UK.

• ECE-CP (2011-12) Orientation Session

September was a busy time at TRC-IECE as we welcomed our 6th cohort of students. They attended a two-part orientation in which they were first invited for a brief session on September 8, 2011. At this session the students were briefed about the institute’s recent major achievement, namely Bradford University’s validation of the ECE Certificate Programme. They were informed about how they could benefit from the opportunity the validation offered.
At the second session, held on September 22, 2011, all the students were acquainted with the logistics and structure of the ECE-CP. They received orientation packs, which contained the academic calendar 2011-12, their student I.D cards and a CD containing the Student Handbook and Academic Skills’ Guide. The students were introduced to the faculty and other personnel that they would be interacting with over the course of the programme. They were also informed about TRC-IECE policies and then all their questions and concerns were addressed.

The session ended with tea and refreshments, in which the students shared their excitement and anticipation about classes scheduled to begin on September 26, 2011.

• ECE-CPU Kicks Off

Two years of effort paid off as the ECE Certificate Programme in Urdu (ECE-CPU) was launched on September 26, 2011. The programme is the first of its kind in Pakistan and has a keen group of students who are eagerly looking forward to the next class. They have classes five days a week.

We are hopeful that all of them will continue to display the same enthusiasm and zeal throughout the programme, which will end in April 2012.

• ECE-CP Classes Begin

After the silence of July and August, the TRC-Institute of ECE is finally buzzing again. This time round with ECE-CP (2011-2012) and the newly launched ECE-CPU, two classrooms are occupied and students are spilling over into the library and research and group discussion areas too. Both programmes began simultaneously on September 26, 2011.

• ECE-CP (2010-11) Graduation Ceremony

The much awaited graduation ceremony of our 5th cohort materialised with much excitement and enthusiasm on the eve of September 27, 2011. TRC’s hallway buzzed with beaming graduating students and their proud family members.

The evening opened with TRC Director Seema Malik welcoming the guests, and sharing her thoughts and experiences with the audience and the graduating batch. She also gave a brief overview of TRC-IECE’s linkage with its Canadian partners.

TRC-IECE Chairperson, Mahtab Rashdi, made a formal announcement about the ECE-CP’s validation by the University of Bradford.

Then Director Programme Development Mahenaz Mahmud talked about the diverse teaching and learning methods and assessment strategies used in the ECE-CP and shared the students’ projects with the audience.

Then, graduating students shared their views and experiences of their ECE-CP journey and how the programme had changed their lives.

The ceremony ended with the Chief Guest, Ameena Saiyid, Managing Director of Oxford University Press, giving out certificates to the graduates and sharing a few words on her long association with TRC and its valuable contributions towards the education sector in our country.

We wish our graduates all the best, and hope they continue their journey of lifelong learning, positively impacting the lives they touch.

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none”>essay writing services

p>After the silence of July and August, the TRC-Institute of ECE is finally buzzing again. This time round with ECE-CP (2011-2012) and the newly launched ECE-CPU, two classrooms are occupied and students are spilling over into the library and research and group discussion areas too. Both programmes began simultaneously on September 26, 2011.

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TRC News

Dear Friends,

p>TRC and The Little Art, a Lahore based organization share a common vision of promoting the principles of freedom, equality and civil rights through artistic avenues. We have recently entered into a partnership with them and will be collaborating on organizing joint events.

TLA is organizing a National ChildRight Arts Festival from November 17-20, 2011. Information about the event and a participation invitation are attached below.

We sincerely hope many of you will participate,

The TRC Team

ChildRight Arts Festival Information


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Ilm o Amal

Promoting health education through children in primary schools is a valuable tool for spreading good health practices in local communities. In this article Dr. Shabnam Ahmed explores the benefits of this approach and the contextual limitations it faces in a traditional society such as Pakistan.

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