TRC News

Dear Readers,

Please check out our new Opinion Poll on Teachers’ Salaries and cast your vote by the end of December 2013. As you know …

your opinion counts

As you may be aware, the TRC website has been facing various technical issues over the past two months. As a result we were unable to post a fresh opinion poll last month and carried our October 2013 opinion poll into November. Therefore following is the result of the October/November 2013 poll which was about Bullying in Schools.
In the meantime our website is up and running and the new opinion poll has been posted there, so please do go and vote.

It is not possible to stop bullying in schools, because some children are born with cruel, bullying personalities, which cannot be reformed.

• I agree. It is naive to think that one can reason with and change bullies. In reality, when schools crack down on bullies, they find insidious ways to continue harassing their victims.  (9%, 19 Votes)

• I disagree. Bullying can be eliminated in schools by raising awareness about the issue, equipping students to deal with it and also by involving parents and teachers to end the menace. (81%, 39 Votes)

The result:
The vast majority of the respondents (81%) believe that the menace of bullying can be eliminated if schools take concrete steps to raise awareness and all stakeholders are involved in tackling the issue. Only 9% of the respondents believe that bullying cannot be curbed because bullies will always find a way to target their victims.

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Dates: 30th & 31st December 2013 | Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

This interactive workshop will enable participants to reflect on themselves as teachers and explore the domain of effective teaching.

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Dates: 18th, 19th & 20th December 2013 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will help teachers think creatively and explore art experiences that would promote independent expression and awareness of different styles of artwork.

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Ilm o Amal

Dear Readers,

We are currently in the process of planning the content for the 12 issues of Ilm o Amal for 2014. Please take out a minute or two to fill out our very simple feedback form. Let us know what you think about the articles, suggest how we can further improve the content to make it more meaningful for both you and your classroom and of course give us suggestions for topics you would like to read about.

All you have to do is to tick the response, which reflects your view most closely. We would appreciate it if you could send us the completed form by December 16, 2013 via email on: [email protected] and [email protected]. (PLEASE SEND EMAIL ON BOTH ADDRESSES).

Thank you.

The Ilm o Amal Team

Download the Questionnaire

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Karachi International Children's Film Festival

We are pleased to inform you that TRC is once again collaborating with The Little Art to bring you the Karachi International Children’s Film Festival 2013. Letters were couriered to TRC Member Schools along with posters and brochures. Please note that member schools will be given priority and first choice. So all TRC Members, please call and book your slot right away.

This year’s festival will showcase 38 films from 21 countries. The details of the shows are given below in the Festival Brochure 2013.

Venue: ZVMG, Rangoonwala Community Centre, Dhoraji Colony, Karachi – 74800.

Dates: November 25-29 (Monday to Friday) 2013

Film Screenings: The films will be screened in three, one-hour slots starting at 9:00 a.m. The last show of the day ends at 1:00 p.m. There will be two evening shows on the last day of the festival i.e. Friday, November 29, 2013. You will find the dates, films to be shown and time slots in the KICFF 2013 Brochure, given below. For programme details, you can also visit our facebook page:

Contact Person at TRC: To avoid disappointment, please call today. We will reserve for members first, on a first come, first served basis and hold your reservation for 24 hours until your payment comes in. Please print, fill and bring the Registration Form along with your payment. For more information and reservations, please call Tabinda Jabeen / Najam Naqvi on the following numbers at TRC.

(92-21) 3539-2976 and (92-21) 3539- 4059

Passes: Rs 200 donation per student/teacher. These can be collected upon payment from TRC from November 12, 2013 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

As always, TRC is committed to social, cultural and educational development, and along with The Little Art, we look forward to your support in providing these opportunities for children to experience and learn.

We look forward to seeing you at the festival 🙂

Festival Brochure 2013 (3.7 MB)
KICFF 2013 Poster (3.0 MB)
Registration Form (798 KB)

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Date: 30th November 2013 | Time: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

This workshop will highlight ways & means to promote understanding and appreciation of poetry among students.

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TRC News

The July-September 2013 quarter was packed with workshops and planning exercises. In addition to our routine multi-school workshops offered at TRC premises, we have been busy with meeting requests of schools for school evaluation and professional development interventions. With end of term of ECE-CP and planning for graduation ceremony, coordination, communication and in-house planning meetings were abound. Additionally, with the kicking off of the Paths to School Success project, our core team was intensively engaged with gearing up for the upcoming Training of Trainers, which started in end September and would last for ten days, weekends included! Dr. Sonal Zaveri, the International Advisor of the Child to Child Trust, UK has flown in from Delhi to conduct the ToT. Furthermore, the Senior Management Team, held many in-house consultations for charting out a sustainable way forward for TRC and identifying suitable resource mobilisation avenues to tap into.

TRC Trending…

TRC is on Facebook now! We encourage all our readers to like us and subscribe to our page. Link up with us, ask questions, discuss issues, exchange views and help us in cultivating an empowering online community of ECE practitioners and activists … Lets connect to make a difference!

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Dates: 25th, 26th, 27th & 28th November 2013 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will highlight the importance of the learning environment and its impact on growth and development of children.

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Dates: 20th, 21st & 22nd November 2013 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will help teachers think creatively and plan activities that would promote independent thinking and develop curiosity in children.

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