Dear Readers,

Please check out our new Opinion Poll on Teachers’ Salaries and cast your vote by the end of December 2013. As you know …

your opinion counts

As you may be aware, the TRC website has been facing various technical issues over the past two months. As a result we were unable to post a fresh opinion poll last month and carried our October 2013 opinion poll into November. Therefore following is the result of the October/November 2013 poll which was about Bullying in Schools.
In the meantime our website is up and running and the new opinion poll has been posted there, so please do go and vote.

It is not possible to stop bullying in schools, because some children are born with cruel, bullying personalities, which cannot be reformed.

• I agree. It is naive to think that one can reason with and change bullies. In reality, when schools crack down on bullies, they find insidious ways to continue harassing their victims.  (9%, 19 Votes)

• I disagree. Bullying can be eliminated in schools by raising awareness about the issue, equipping students to deal with it and also by involving parents and teachers to end the menace. (81%, 39 Votes)

The result:
The vast majority of the respondents (81%) believe that the menace of bullying can be eliminated if schools take concrete steps to raise awareness and all stakeholders are involved in tackling the issue. Only 9% of the respondents believe that bullying cannot be curbed because bullies will always find a way to target their victims.