Dates: 19th & 20th March 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will highlight the process and strategies that would help school leaders to facilitate and manage change in their institutions.

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Dates: 9th, 10th & 11th March 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop offers a comprehensive framework for inducting, retaining and supporting new teachers to ensure effective teaching and learning in schools.

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TRC News

Dear Readers, Please check out our new Opinion Poll on the effects of being connected to technology all the time, and cast your vote by the end of February 2015. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our January 2015 poll was about whether schools should relax strict hairstyle and uniform rules:

Schools should relax strict hairstyle and uniform rules and focus on more important things such as educating children well and helping them reach their full potential.

• I agree. When schools enforce strict hairstyle and uniform rules, they create negative energy, teach children to dislike the system and waste valuable teaching and learning time. (55%, 22 Votes)

• I disagree. Dress codes are an important part of the workforce that students will be part of one day. A strict uniform policy will help them understand this. (45%, 18 Votes)

Total Voters: 40

The result of this opinion poll was neck and neck. The majority (55%) of those who responded to this poll felt that when schools enforce strict hairstyles and uniform rules, children end up disliking the system and end up wasting valuable time. These respondents feel that this generally creates negative energy in schools. On the other hand, a significant minority (45%) of respondents feel that strict uniform and hairstyle rules are a way to introduce children to dress codes which will be important once they enter the workforce.

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Ilm o Amal

From recording observations, to becoming a child with children, to recognising and seizing teaching moments, it is all part of a day’s work for an ECE teacher. In this article TRC-IECE graduate Huma Navid walks the reader through her busy (and sometimes unpredictable) day as a kindergarten teacher and also talks about why passion and solid training are vital for the job.

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Dates: 20th & 21st February 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. & 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

This workshop will focus on enhancing students’ interest in reading and exploring strategies to develop reading skills through cooperative learning.

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Dates: 18th & 19th February 2015 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will highlight the importance of marking students’ work effectively and providing them meaningful feedback for further improvement and development.

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ECE-CP 2014-15: A New Beginning

TRC-IECE warmly welcomed its 9th cohort to the ECE-CP at an orientation session, which this time around was spread over two days, October 09 and 10, 2014. This session was to accustom the students with the ECE-CP protocols, get familiar with the environment and the people they will be interacting with during the ECE-CP and to meet their peers who will journey with them over the next ten months.


Being a mandatory event to attend, the sessions facilitated students in getting acquainted with the expectations of the programme and were introduced to the Field Education course since it features across all three terms. The differing requirements for in-service and pre-service students were highlighted.

The orientation helped students overcome discomforts of the unknown and eased the initial fears of joining a new setting as a student. Towards the end of both the sessions the students felt much more in control.

Regular classes of Term 1 officially started from October 13, 2014 with the course Play Experiences followed by Child Development and Learning Environment on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The students met with their respective course leaders and were introduced to the Term 1 courses, which would carry on for the next thirteen weeks.


Term 1 progressed as per plan, with regular classes and activities held according to planned
PEschedules. Assignments and evaluations, which were due during the term, had students experience a mixed bag of emotions – anxiety and nervousness, which is mostly the case when deadlines and /or exams and tests are due.

Classroom observations of in-service students and follow up discussions were also undertaken as part of Field Education.

Having crossed mid term of Term 1, tutorials were planned for students facing difficulty in their understanding of concepts covered during any of the Term 1 courses. Identified students were then supported during more personalised sessions to help them overcome academic issues.

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TRC News

The highlights of the quarter include continuation of our core activities as well as planning for the Annual General Meeting and finalisation and on line publishing of TRC’s 28th Annual Report. A short term project with financial support of UNICEF, was initiated with PITE, Sindh for training 400 government teachers on ECE. A partnership with The Citizens Foundation was also established; TCF purchased our PTBs for the schools they support financially and technically through their SDU. Training of teachers from these schools was also held at TRC. The 4th Karachi International Children’s Festival was held and saw atleast 5000 children and teachers coming together for viewing the 58 films which were showcased this time.

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