Current Workshops, FrontWorkshops, Workshop, Workshops
Dates: 18th March 2020 | Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Activity-based learning is the process of learning by doing. It provides activities for children to stimulate their senses and be involved. It encourages them to take responsibility for their own learning experiences and develops teamwork and social skills. This workshop will focus on strategies to implement activity-based learning for enriching English Language.

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Current Workshops, FrontWorkshops, Workshop, Workshops
Dates: 12th March – 21st May 2020 | Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM

The art of acquiring a language and its application is similar to that of weaving a tapestry. To ensure that the learners develop language proficiency, strands of the four primary skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing need to be interwoven in a balanced and effective way. Exposure and practice of these skills can help the learners become effective users of the language.

In light of the above mentioned, TRC offers a short course for those who wish to improve their proficiency in English language. This course explores the foundational sentence construction, problem words, common grammar mistakes, and much more through practical, hands-on exercises. You will learn through short videos, examples, and even fun games.

Take your English language proficiency to the next level!

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Current Workshops, FrontWorkshops, Workshop, Workshops
Dates: 26th, 27th & 28th February 2020 | Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Students need to be able to talk about their learning with their teachers and other students in a variety of contexts to become independent, self-motivated learners. Research proves that students learn and retain more from dialogic discussions than through lecture or question-and-answer sessions. This workshop is designed to help teachers transform their classrooms into active, engaging learning centers by organising thought-provoking classroom discussions.

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Current Workshops, FrontWorkshops, Workshop, Workshops
Dates: 17th, 18th & 19th February 2020 | Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Feedback is an important component of the formative assessment process. It informs teachers and students about how students are doing relative to classroom learning goals. Giving good feedback is one of the skills teachers need to master as part of meaningful assessment, as it can be very powerful if done well. Good feedback contains information that students can use, which means that students have to be able to hear and understand it.

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