TRC News

TRC was invited by READ to give a talk to the parents at their Annual Open House on 28 February 2009. The initial request started out as a talk on developmental milestones and ‘warning signs’. Due to shortage of time, the focus was negotiated and it was decided to have an informal talk with the parents on ways in which they can set up a literacy-rich environment to support literacy at home. The talk, given by TRC’s Nida Alavi, highlighted the adult’s role within a literacy-rich environment through selecting and reading books as well as writing extensions that can emerge from books. The parents gave positive feedback, and have requested for follow-up sessions. READ will contact TRC for these sessions.

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TRC News

The HumQadam Foundation (HQF) endeavours to promote inclusion of children with disabilities, by providing one-on-one resource teachers to accompany them into mainstream classrooms.

A 6 – part series of workshops (December 2008 – May 2009) led by Nida Alavi from TRC, is currently in progress. The workshop series is focusing on assisting HQF’s resource teachers with areas of concern identified by them. Some of the issues raised during an informal needs’ assessment discussion are, collaboration between classroom teachers and resource teachers and classroom instruction and management.
HQF’s teachers have been interactive in sharing their experiences and also been receptive to recommendations for enhancing the support their students with disabilities are receiving. Three out of the six planned sessions have already been held and the remaining will be done by May 2009.

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TRC News

Seema Yasmin and Nighat Hasan, experienced TRC workshop leaders, had a wonderful experience working with teachers in Dera Jatta, a small village, 100 k.m. from Rahim Yar Khan. Nafisa Mai School is a project of TRUCE: Trust for Rural Uplift and Community Development.

From February 23 – 28 2009, 15 early years’ teachers spent 50 hours learning about how to implement the National ECE Curriculum (2007).
The teachers participated in the training with great enthusiasm and a keenness to learn. The TRUCE management appreciated the quality of the training sessions, and want us to come back again this year for more training .

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TRC News

Nida Alavi from TRC, attended a short workshop on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) which was organised by Amatullah Aai Saheba Institute at Tahiri Masjid Complex on 23 February 2009. The areas of discussion included the known causes of ADHD and its progression across the lifespan. A considerable amount of time was spent on the complexities of differential diagnosis of ADHD and the importance of a multimodal approach for intervention. A brief overview was also provided of conditions which can often co-exist with ADHD and conditions which may even be confused with it. On the whole, it was a useful workshop.

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TRC News

– “Khushagawar Taleemi Mahol” a 15-hour workshop, was conducted at TRC for 20 teachers of Ghulam Nabi School situated in Baba Island, from 22 – 24th February, 2009. The workshop was requested by the Navy League, who have adopted this government school.
The workshop focused on the importance of an effective learning environment, and included aspects such as, classroom organization, setting up learning corners, implementing a daily routine, nurturing children’s self esteem and a teacher’s role and responsibilities.

A variety of teaching methods were used during the training sessions, such as, warm up activities, brainstorming, group work, whole group interactive discussions on different learning areas, and presentations. In order to keep participants active and lively, poems were also shared with them after each review session and whenever energies seemed to be lagging.

A copy of Mazboot Bunyadein (ECE Teachers’ Guide, Urdu version), and TRC souvenirs like the TRC Bag, Note pad, Bookmark and TRC Folder were given to each participant.

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TRC News

A group of four teacher-trainers from ITREB visited TRC on 20 February, 2009 to explore teaching resources in Urdu that could be used to train ECE teachers in the northern areas of Pakistan. The group was introduced to the learning resources offered by TRC which the trainers viewed with much interest and attention, especially the videos for early childhood educators They also showed interest in Strong Foundations, Behtar School ke Jaanib and the Pehla Taleemi Basta (PTB). Each trainer was given copies of the bi-annual resource Ilm o Amal and Learning Resources pack, highlighting TRC’ s materials on sale. The team later purchased one of each of the items on sale and showed keen interest in placing an order for the PTB as well as renewing their membership with TRC. They left with a feeling of being inspired and expressed a keen desire to continue to work with us in future.

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TRC News

Samira Rahimtoola attended the orientation workshop on ‘Non Profit Organizations (NPO) Certification Programme’ organised by the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) on Thursday, February 19, 2009.

The session was aimed at informing the NPOs of the details of the certification programme; the standards set by it and the benefits it offers. The objective of the certification is to bring transparency, accountability and good governance in the nonprofit sector of the country via an independent and objective evaluation of NPOs on set parameters in the area of internal governance, financial management and programme delivery.
As an organization, TRC already has in place a good organizational structure and setup with sound processes and practices in all functions. This coupled with a proven record over the years of efficient delivery has established a credibility and good name for TRC – something which the certification claims to achieve for NPO’s. Since the certification is not mandatory, TRC management has decided not to go ahead with it at this point in time.

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TRC News

Driven by a progressive faculty, the Ziauddin College of Speech Language Therapy requested TRC for a lecture for students. On 16 February 2009, Nida Alavi spoke to second year students about Early Intervention. The lecture covered several areas including the constraints of special education in Pakistan, the goals of early intervention and recommended practices. It was a pleasure to share, discuss and debate issues in the field with such a lively group of students who were keen to voice their opinions and raise questions.
The 4-year B.Sc programme at the Ziauddin College of Speech Language Therapy, is a pioneering endeavour in the field and seeks to serve the ever-growing demand for professionals supporting individuals with speech and language difficulties in Pakistan.

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TRC News

TRC was invited to make a presentation on the Early Childhood Education Certificate Programme (ECE-CP) being offered at the TRC- Institute of ECE. On 15 February 2009, Rubina Naqvi  and Amima Sayed presented to approximately 150 people from the Aga Khani Community. The other presenters, Hamdard Foundation and AKU-IED, also talked about their respective ECE programmes. Registrations for our ECE-CP have started coming in.

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TRC News

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he Haque Academy requested us to conduct a first aid workshop for their teachers. First Aid in Schools, was conducted by Marion Shaikh on 14 February 2009; we had to prune it down to three hours to meet their time constraints. The workshop focused on common injuries and health issues occurring in schools, and the resources required for administering basic first aid while handling emergencies

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