
Why is this workshop important for me?

Teachers from your school may have already attended, or will in the near future, attend TRC”s Early Childhood Education-Certificate Programme (ECE-CP). In your role as Head of a pre-primary or early primary (Classes 1 and 2) school, it is of vital importance that you understand the basics of early childhood education (ECE) so that you can better support your teachers and create a strong foundation for the children in your school. “Leading the Way” will give you an overview of the year-long ECE-CP. You will learn about Child Development, The Importance of Play, The Importance of Health, Nutrition and Safety, and Engaging with Stakeholders in a Meaningful Way.

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TRC News

UNESCO had commissioned TRC with a project designed to raise awareness of the importance of ECE, among local level decision-makers in the public sector in Sindh. The objectives of the project were: to highlight the need and significance of ECE, and to share information about innovative practices in the field of ECE.
The project included the development of an ECE Advocacy Resource Book (in English, Urdu and Sindhi) and workshops in two districts for district level decision makers for which TRC worked in partnership with the Directorate of Literacy and Non-formal Education.
The Sindhi version of the Advocacy Resource Book took a little longer than the Urdu one to translate and edit, but now, in May 2008 it is ready and has been disseminated widely. Copies are available at TRC, please call and ask us if you are interested.A PDF is also available. You can download it from our Resources section on Interact.

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