Karachi International Children's Film Festival

We are pleased to inform you that TRC is once again collaborating with The Little Art to bring you the Karachi International Children’s Film Festival 2014. Letters were couriered to TRC Member Schools along with posters and brochures. Please note that member schools will be given priority and first choice. So all TRC Members, please call and book your slot right away.

This year’s festival will showcase 58 films from 28 countries. The details of the shows are given below in the Festival Brochure 2014.

Venue: Cinepax, Ocean Mall, Clifton & City Auditorium, F. B. Area.

Dates: October 20-23 (Monday to Thursday) 2014.

Film Screenings: The films will be screened in three, one-hour slots starting at 9:00 a.m. The last show of the day ends at 1:00 p.m. You will find the dates, films to be shown and time slots in the KICFF 2014 Brochure, given below. For programme details, you can also visit our facebook page:


Contact Person at TRC: To avoid disappointment, please call today. We will reserve for members first, on a first come, first served basis and hold your reservation for 24 hours until your payment comes in. Please print, fill and bring the Registration Form along with your payment. For more information and reservations, please call Tabinda Jabeen / Shakeel Khan on the following numbers at TRC.

(92-21) 3539-2976 and (92-21) 3539- 4059

Passes: Rs 250 donation per student/teacher. These can be collected upon payment from TRC from September 30, 2014 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

As always, TRC is committed to social, cultural and educational development, and along with The Little Art, we look forward to your support in providing these opportunities for children to experience and learn.

We look forward to seeing you at the festival 🙂

Festival Brochure 2014 (3.7 MB)
KICFF 2014 Poster (3.0 MB)
Registration Form (798 KB)

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TRC News

Dear Readers, Please check out our new Opinion Poll on whether the sciences are more important than the arts, and cast your vote by the end of September 2014. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our August 2014 poll was about whether politics and current events should be a part of a school’s curriculum:

Politics and current events should be a part of a school’s curriculum, because students should be aware of important political issues that shape society and impact their lives.

• I agree. Teaching children about political systems and current affairs is necessary for a strong democracy, which requires that people are interested and engaged in politics. (74%, 35 Votes)

• I disagree. Discussing politics can cause arguments and fighting between students. Also, schools should keep a neutral stand and that is difficult when politics is being discussed. (26%, 12 Votes)

Total Voters: 47

Almost three quarters of the respondents to this poll (74%) feel that children should be educated about politics and current affairs should be made a part of the school curriculum. They believe that this is necessary for a strong democracy, which is dependent on an electorate that is aware of important political issues. Almost one-third (26%) of the respondents do not think that politics and currents affairs should be part of a school’s curriculum, because political discussions can turn into arguments and also because it is difficult to take a neutral stance on certain issues.

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Ilm o Amal

Far from being the latest buzzword in education, Critical Thinking is probably the most crucial skill in the information age. In this article, written by members of the TRC staff, we discuss what critical thinking is, how you can start incorporating critical thinking skills in your classroom and our IQLQT project, through which we hope to impart critical thinking skills in classrooms across Pakistan.

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Karachi International Children's Film Festival

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that TRC is once again collaborating with The Little Art to bring you the 4th Karachi International Children’s Film Festival.

We are planning to organise the festival in the last week of October 2014. This time two venues are being considered: Cinepax, in Ocean Mall, Clifton or Cinepax in FB Area.

We need your consent with regard to the festival dates if they can be accommodated in your school’s academic calendar. Kindly also indicate which venue will be convenient for your students in terms of commute.

Please let us know by Thursday, August 21, 2014 via telephone numbers: 3539-4059, 3539-2976 or email at: [email protected], so that we can finalise the plans. The final programme will be sent to you at a later date.

Best Regards,
The TRC Team

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Dates: 22nd, 23rd & 24th September 2014 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will focus on designing meaningful progress reports that would effectively highlight students’ successes and areas for improvement. Students can become reflective learners by receiving recognition and responding positively to marking.

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Dates: 19th & 20th September 2014 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. & 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

This workshop has been designed to facilitate teachers in understanding and teaching the Reading Component of O Level English Language 1123/22 (Paper 2) as per the required Cambridge Examination standard.

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TRC News

There is no doubt that the future of our state will and must  greatly depend upon the type of education and the way in which we bring up our children as the future servants of Pakistan. Education does not merely mean academic education, and even that appears to be of a very poor type. What we have to do is to mobilise our people and build up the character of our future generations.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s message to the all-Pakistan Educational Conference held at Karachi on 27th November, 1947.

This Independence Day let us renew our resolve to do our bit to stay strong and united as a nation. Let’s continue to strive for quality education, which is the only way we can secure a brighter future.

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Dates: 9th, 10th & 11th September 2014 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This workshop will focus on the important aspects that contribute towards the efficiency of the administrative assistant in the school office.

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TRC News

Dear Readers, Please check out our new Opinion Poll on Politics and current events should be a part of a school’s curriculum and cast your vote by the end of August 2014. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our July 2014 poll was about whether schools should be allowed to expel students:

Schools should be allowed to expel students, because some students are just intent on disruption and can sometimes become dangerous for other students.

• I agree. Schools should be allowed to expel students, because sometimes coming down hard on difficult children is the only way to make them realise the seriousness of their misbehaviour. (42%, 17 Votes)

• I disagree. Schools should not expel students. Moving a difficult child to another school does not deal with the problem and merely passes the buck. Expulsion further scars difficult children. (58%, 23 Votes)

Those who voted that schools should not be allowed to expel students, led this opinion poll with 58% of the votes. These voters believe that schools that do expel students are in effect just passing the problem onto another institution, instead of dealing with it. On the other hand those who believe that schools should be allowed to expel students trailed behind with 42% of the votes. These people believe that some difficult students just want to cause disruption and keeping them enrolled in the school can sometimes become dangerous.

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