Karachi International Children's Film Festival

We are pleased to inform you that TRC is once again collaborating with The Little Art to bring you the Karachi International Children’s Film Festival 2016. Letters were couriered to TRC Member Schools along with posters and brochures. Please note that member schools will be given priority and first choice. So all TRC Members, please call and book your slot right away.

This year’s festival will showcase 45 films from 20 countries. The details of the shows are given below in the Festival Brochure 2016.

Venue: Cinepax, Ocean Mall, Clifton & City Auditorium, F. B. Area.

Dates: October 17-22 (Monday to Saturday) 2016.

Film Screenings: The films will be screened in three, one-hour slots starting at 9:00 a.m. The last show of the day ends at 1:00 p.m. You will find the dates, films to be shown and time slots in the KICFF 2016 Brochure, given below. For programme details, you can also visit our facebook page:


Contact Person at TRC: To avoid disappointment, please call today. We will reserve for members first, on a first come, first served basis and hold your reservation for 24 hours until your payment comes in. Please print, fill and bring the Registration Form along with your payment. For more information and reservations, please call Tabinda Jabeen / Sana Karim on the following numbers at TRC.

(92-21) 3539-2976 and (92-21) 3539-4059

Passes: Rs 250 donation per student/teacher. These can be collected upon payment from TRC from October 3, 2016 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

As always, TRC is committed to social, cultural and educational development, and along with The Little Art, we look forward to your support in providing these opportunities for children to experience and learn.

We look forward to seeing you at the festival 🙂

Festival Brochure 2016 (651 KB)
KICFF 2016 Poster (553 KB)
Registration Form (791 KB)

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TRC News

Dear Readers,

Please check out our new Opinion Poll on the relevance of the traditional grading system, and cast your vote by the end of September 2016. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our August 2016 poll was about whether schools should be open all year round with multiple short breaks:

Schools should be open all year round with multiple short breaks, as that helps students stay focused on education.

• I agree. Long summer breaks interrupt the school year and cause students to forget what they have learnt. Students need to attend school all year round. (85%, 44 Votes)

• I disagree. Everyone, including students needs a long break to rest. Learning also takes place outside of the school environment. (15%, 8 Votes)

The overwhelming majority of the voters believe that schools should stay open all year round. A large majority of the respondents (85%) believe that keeping schools open all year round helps students stay focused on education and reduces loss of learning. Only 15% of the respondents felt that students need long breaks from school and voted for extended interruptions in the school year.

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Dates: 29th, 30th September & 1st October 2016 | Time: 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

This workshop will enhance the teachers skill of designing questions that promote effective learning.

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Dear All,

Teachers’ Resource Centre has initiated a series of talks from January 2016 that focus on issues around educational pedagogy, understanding the IB system, successful interventions in school management, special needs and inclusive education. These talks are delivered by speakers with an educational background, enriched by valuable experience in their relevant field. The sessions are interactive throughout to enhance the value of the discussion for all the participants.

Being mindful is an idea—actually a way of being—whose time has come. It’s an approach that recognises and cultivates the best of who we are as human beings and is today an essential part of the National Curriculum of many countries as a component of the SPHE (Social Physical and Health Education) program. The simple act of being mindful has the power to change everything—how we approach ourselves, our challenges, our relationships, and our communities. Being mindful is part of the spirit of the times. It is likely to become a transformative social phenomenon for these key reasons.

Mindfulness is already having an impact in our schools, hospitals, offices, governments, and many other places. It’s helping us to become healthier, to lead more effectively, and to cooperate with each other in making a better world.

During this two-hour session you will be involved in discussions, watch videos, experience guided meditation sessions and read professional development articles, which will help you understand the importance of mindfulness.

The main objectives of the interactive talk session are:
• develop an understanding of what Mindfulness is and why we spend so much of our time being ‘mindless’
• learn to relieve stress in one’s own life and help students do the same
• see the link between Mindfulness and a better classroom environment
• develop the tools to help students learn to pay attention and become better listeners
• understand one’s role as a facilitator of a holistic school experience for young children

The details of the talk session are as follows:

Date: Saturday 24 September 2016

Timings: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

Venue: Teachers’ Resource Centre

Who should attend? All Teachers, School Heads

Speaker’s Profile: Mr. Shahpur Jamall is the co-founder, Academic Director and Principal of Bay View Academy, a leading private school located in Karachi, Pakistan, which he cofounded in 1990. He also cofounded Southshore School for A-level Studies and serves on its board as a Director. Mr. Jamall holds a Masters Degree in Education from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) as well as a California Teaching Credential. He taught in the Los Angeles Unified School District before moving back to Pakistan 25 years ago.

Charges: Rs. 2000

Last date for registration with payment: 7 September 2016

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Dates: 22nd & 23rd September 2016 | Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Majority of students and even some adults feel threatened by blank pieces of paper and are reluctant to do creative writing exercises. However, with some motivation and inspiration, reluctant writers can gain confidence and eager writers can gain skills to create higher quality writing. The aim of this workshop is how to teach creative writing activities to students.

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Ilm o Amal

Every day in school counts towards the academic success of a student. Many parents say that they believe this, but still think students ‘can get away with a day or two off every month’ without a genuine excuse. In this month’s Ilm o Amal we explore the reasons for chronic absenteeism and what teachers can do about it.

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Dear All,

Teachers’ Resource Centre has initiated a series of talks from January 2016 that focus on issues around educational pedagogy, understanding the IB system, successful interventions in school management, special needs and inclusive education. These talks are delivered by speakers with an educational background, enriched by valuable experience in their relevant field. The talk sessions are followed by a question-answer session to enhance the value of the discussion for all the participants.

Learning about the importance of enhancing personal qualities to be effective teachers and managers and adapting interpersonal and management skills can build a stronger foundation for success. Participants will gain knowledge about the core areas of higher personal effectiveness and discuss the importance of various topics such as how to set priorities and manage time to meet deadlines, set and achieve goals, get over ones internal barriers when putting their goals and plans in action, effectively organize daily actions, make smarter decisions and learn how to manage stress & prevent burnout.

The talk session will focus on the benefits of developing oneself and adding value by mapping a plan for one’s life that will involve setting short-range and long-range goals and investigating different ways to reach those goals. Education, training, and experience all help make their goals become a reality.

The main objectives of the interactive talk session are:
• reflect on what is personal effectiveness
• understand the importance of personal management
• explore key skills necessary for personal enhancement

The details of the talk session are as follows:

Date: Saturday 17 September 2016

Timings: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

Venue: Teachers’ Resource Centre

Who should attend? Teachers, School Managers

Speaker’s Profile: Ms. Fauzia Kanwar A ziz is an MBA in Marketing from IBA with five years of experience as a marketing manager in the Telecommunications industry. She has taught management subjects at the BBA and MBA level at Institute of Business Management and has been associated with TRC since February 2016 as Resource Mobilization Manager.

Charges: Rs. 2000

Last date for registration with payment: 5 September 2016

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TRC News

Dear Readers,

Please check out our new Opinion Poll on whether schools should be open all year round with multiple short breaks, and cast your vote by the end of August 2016. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our July 2016 poll was about whether university education should be free:

University education should be free because by facilitating higher education, governments invest in a highly educated and skilled workforce which will benefit a country’s economy.

• I agree. A country advances when its best and brightest are provided the opportunity to rise to the top. High fees will prevent talented individuals from gaining higher education and reaching their full potential. (83%, 33 Votes)

• I disagree. The cost of higher education to the state is too high to sustain free university education. The government should focus on funding essential services, and higher education is not such a service. (18%, 7 Votes)

The majority of respondents (83%) to the opinion poll believe that university education should be free. They believe that a country can only advance and prosper when its best talent is allowed to rise to the top unhindered by the burden of high fees for higher education. On the other hand, only 18% of the respondents believe that the government should not fund higher education, because this is not sustainable. These respondents believe that the government should focus on funding essential services instead.

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Ilm o Amal

Before you go back to the classroom, a little planning regarding your first day and first week at school will go a long way in setting the tone for the new academic year. In this month’s Ilm o Amal, TRC staff has compiled a list of simple and easy-to-do steps that will help your students and you ease into the new school year and stay motivated till the end.

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TRC News

During this quarter, TRC successfully completed two training sessions. The first was with the Directorate of Staff Development (DSD) and their Master Trainers on the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (NCECE) and the other was with AZAT Foundation, training primary school teachers in Baluchistan on Experiential Learning and Critical Thinking. Both training sessions were highly interactive and engaged all the participants and trainers.

On the international scene, Senior Manager Noshin Khan represented TRC at conferences and meetings in New York and Costa Rica, advocating and shining a light on the critical role that the organisation is playing in furthering the cause of Early Childhood Development in Pakistan. In her address at both the venues, Noshin apprised the audience of the remarkable work being done at TRC and also talked about our ambitions for Early Childhood Development and trainings in Pakistan.

This quarter also saw the end of ECE-CP’s 2015-2016 academic year as students successfully finished their third and final term as ECE students. These ten months have seen a spectrum of emotions, which happens every year, but also manifests in a unique way every year.

We wish the batch of 2015-2016 all the best in applying what they have learnt at TRC.

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TRC is on Facebook! This is where we share ideas, tips and news with our online teaching community. It is a space to learn new ideas, share experiences and stay informed about all the latest happenings at TRC.

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