Ilm o Amal

In a world where a plethora of knowledge is available at your fingertips, it is no surprise that plagiarism is thriving. So what exactly is plagiarism and what can students do to curb the urge to steal someone else’s ideas? In this in-depth article, Yasmeen Shahzad looks at the ethical issues that surround plagiarism and explores simple strategies to deal with it.

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Ilm o Amal

Tolerated for far too long, bullying is generally accepted as a part of life in our part of the world. However, research shows that if trivialised and ignored, bullying can spiral out of control and cause serious emotional problems in its victims. In this article Shahrezad Samiuddin outlines what constitutes bullying behaviour and how schools can deal with it effectively.

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Ilm o Amal

All children “misbehave” in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. As adult caregivers we often struggle with questions such as how do we reinforce good behaviour? How do we ensure that the child truly ‘gets’ the rules and curbs the impulse to misbehave over and over again? How do we do all this without damaging a child’s self-esteem? And finally, how do we ensure that we remember that a child is not a mini-adult?
Disciplining a child is the key to effectively reinforcing good behaviour. Discipline walks the middle path between a harsh punishment and helplessly shrugging your shoulders when a child acts up. It empowers both the adult and the child and it’s a path more caregivers and parents should understand and adopt if we want to bring up healthy, contented and balanced children.

So, to discipline and how? If that’s your question, the following articles written by TRC-IECE Students as part of Ilm o Amal’s Punishment vs. Discipline series are a must-read.

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Ilm o Amal

When it comes to bringing up and caring for children, there is perhaps no other issue that incites as much heated debate and elicits as much intense opinion as Discipline and Punishment. Should one punish a child? Or should one discipline the child? What is the difference? And what are the effects of each of these approaches? These are just some of the rudimentary, but emotionally charged questions that this debate throws up.
In a world where some deem sparing the rod akin to spoiling the child, while those at the other end of the spectrum think saying ‘no’ to a child is anathema, we at TRC believe that it is time to clear our heads and discuss the issue again. And so for November and December 2011, we will be carrying two articles (instead of our usual one) on Discipline vs. Punishment. Written by TRC-IECE Students these articles will benefit anybody who is raising children or is involved in any other way with them and often feels stuck about the healthiest approach to take when guiding children.

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Ilm o Amal

Promoting health education through children in primary schools is a valuable tool for spreading good health practices in local communities. In this article Dr. Shabnam Ahmed explores the benefits of this approach and the contextual limitations it faces in a traditional society such as Pakistan.

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Ilm o Amal

We call our children our future, yet we do much to suppress their present. In this article, Amina Shakoor explores how the stresses of modern life have changed the way we raise our children and what we can do to give them a more natural, balanced and wholesome upbringing.

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Ilm o Amal

The future of a nation lies with its children. Providing quality education to children is vital to the goal of shaping a responsible and enlightened nation. In this article, Sara Piracha makes the case for adequate investment in the Pre-Primary sector which is crucial to achieving this goal.


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Ilm o Amal

A few minutes spent reading to your child can provide them with countless benefits in the long-term. Shaneela Essani explains why and how children benefit from reading and includes tips on how and what to read to your child.

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