Dear Readers,

Please check out our new Opinion Poll on Bag Searches in Schools and cast your vote by the end of July 2013. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our June 2013 poll was about Junk Food in School Canteens:

Schools should not be allowed to sell junk food in their canteens, because they should be promoting smart food choices.

• I agree. Since schools instruct children on healthy diets and habits, they should practice what they preach and offer only food that is nutritious and healthy. (94%, 62 Votes)

• I disagree. School should be allowed to sell junk food, because it is the parents’ job to control what their children eat. When children go home they eat whatever they online casino want anyway. (06%, 04 Votes)

The respondents who believe that schools should play a role in promoting smart food choices lead this opinion poll by a huge margin. A whopping 94% believe that school canteens should not only advocate the consumption of nutritious and healthy food, but should also avoid stocking junk food. On the other hand, a mere 06% of the respondents believe that schools should offer junk food, because they felt that a child’s diet is solely his or her parents’ responsibility.