Dear Readers, Please check out our new Opinion Poll on making students improve their handwriting, and cast your vote by the end of August 2015. As you know …

your opinion counts

Our July 2015 poll was about whether schools should penalise students for how they interact and what they share on social media:

Schools should penalise students for how they interact and what they share on social media, because it can lead to adverse consequences in real life.

• I agree. Schools should be able to monitor students’ social media activities and penalise involvement in activities such as cyber bullying and other antisocial behaviour. (32%, 16 Votes)

• I disagree. Student’s social media activities have nothing to do with their schools and monitoring them is an invasion of privacy. (68%, 34 Votes)

The majority of those who responded to this poll (68%) do not think that schools should monitor or penalise students for their interaction on social media. These respondents feel that a school that monitors a student’s behaviour on social media is essentially invading his or her privacy. On the other hand, a sizeable minority (32%) of the respondents believe that schools should be monitoring and, (where required) penalising, students’ social media activities to watch for issues such as cyber bullying.