TRC was invited by Haque Academy to give a talk to parents of 6-8 year olds on October 28, 2009. Due to shortage of time, it was decided that an informal conversation would be held with the parents on how they can understand challenging behaviour exhibited by their children. The talk, given by TRC’s Nida Alavi, highlighted the role of the adult and the larger environment in explaining why children engage in what is considered “bad” behaviour in the first place. Eager to share, parents who attended the talk actively participated in the conversation. Issues explored included how to define and  identify causes of challenging behaviour. Inevitably, the conversation led to discussions on related issues like  developmentally appropriate practices, labeling and the pressure of meeting expectations – indicating just how complex a subject challenging behaviour is. The parents (and a few teachers who decided to join us) all gave positive feedback and have requested further conversations in the future on various issues of concern. Haque Academy will get in touch with TRC in this regard.