In February 2014, UNESCO published a paper titled “Teacher training in support of Early Childhood Education in Pakistan: A case study of the Teachers’ Resource Centre” authored by our Academic Programmes Advisor and ECE expert, Mahenaz Mahmud. Against the backdrop of Pakistan’s challenging and multi faceted educational context, the author expands the focus to reinforce significance of ECE and lack of cross-sectoral institutional capacity and buy-in for professional development of early years teachers and school environments. She explains why it is imperative to bring reforms to teacher training in ECE and for elevating the status of teachers. TRC’s ongoing efforts to create innovative and challenging opportunities for ECE teachers are discussed. Through ECE-CP, TRC aims to help teachers to evolve into educators who not only nurture a passion for working with children but also develop a holistic understanding of what children are all about and how best they learn. Since ECE-CP is designed to both support and challenge aspiring and experienced ECE teachers, the programme’s framework is highlighted as one which lays the foundations for lifelong learning for those who want to enrich their work with children. You can read and download the paper by clicking on the link below: TRC Case Study