TRC, represented by Amima Sayeed, participated in the symposium on Public Private Partnerships organized by the Sindh Education Foundation on March 28, 2009. The symposium was part of launching SEF’s support for low-cost private schools in Sindh in collaboration with the World Bank. In the sessions, current and previous initiatives of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) were analyzed for their scope, successes and failure. Corporate Social Responsibility as an emerging mode of PPP was also discussed where corporate and civil society representatives agreed that their role was to create models that should be taken up by the public sector for improving both quality of access and quality of education. While there were few proponents of complete privatization of education, labeling public sector services as redundant and unwanted, panelists and participants largely agreed that providing quality education is the responsibility of the State and the constitutional right of every citizen. The Public Sector should not be absolved of its prime responsibility, instead well thought out and concerted efforts should be made to reconfigure educational services.