March 21st, 2009 is World Down’s Syndrome Day. This year, Kiwanis Club of Karachi, Pakistan hosted an awareness session at the National Institute of Child Health, Jinnah Hospital to mark the day and TRC was invited to be a part of this worthy endeavour. A packed auditorium of parents, educators, therapists and individuals with Down’s Syndrome, buzzed with positive energy and enthusiasm. A series of talks were lined up to address various aspects of Down’s Syndrome from diagnosis to intervention to inclusion. TRC’s Nida Alavi was also asked to speak at the event, focusing on the rights of families of children with disabilities as well as considerations for including children with Down’s Syndrome in mainstream classrooms. Following the event, several conversations between TRC and relevant individuals have ensued regarding awareness building and training of adults working with this population. TRC looks forward to being a part of these efforts.