IECE Graduate Raises Funds
One of our IECE Graduates (2010-11) Sahar Tanveer set up an IECE stall at Haque Academy’s Fall Carnival on November 20, 2011 to raise awareness about ECE-CP and to raise some money
IECE_graduates_raise_fundstoo. She did everything from getting the stall to picking up publications from TRC and finding volunteers for the stall. We were very touched … according to Sahar “It’s payback time TRC-IECE has given me so much and helped me find myself.” In the photograph, you can see Sahar, her sister and Sara, also an IECE graduate. Thank You Sahar and Sara!

ECE-CPU: End of Term 1 and Beginning of Term 2

The first term of the ECE-CPU ended on December 01, 2011 and Term 2 began on December 12, 2011.

In Term 1, our students struggled at the outset and then settled into the challenging schedule … school in the morning, classes every afternoon (five days a week) and domestic chores and assignments in the evenings. Despite the tightly packed days filled with learning new concepts, managing multiple assignments: essays, group projects, individual presentations, the students came regularly, learned
ECE_CPU1 to read, multi-task and manage deadlines. It was a first for our students from the public sector, who had never before attended school in the mornings and workshops in the afternoon; it had always been either school or a workshop.

We decided to change the schedule for Term 2, to three classes a week; the programme will now end in June instead of April. All concerned, staff and students are pleased with the new schedule.

ECE-CP Term 1 Ends

December 30, 2011 brought an end to Term 1 of the ECE-CP (2011-12). December is a busy time for our students; most of them are in-service teachers. So with end of term parent teacher meetings and putting their classrooms in order before the winter break, and meeting IECE assignment deadlines … stress was at its peak!

In the last week of classes when most of the assignments had been handed in, the perspective changed Here is what some of them said:

“I didn’t realise that the ECE – CP would be so revitalising. Though I took the decision in a hurry, I haven’t had a
ECE_CPU2 moment to regret it. I’m loving it!” Batul Shariff Pre-school Teacher

“I can feel the change in my attitude towards students and teachers. When I go to any class where the students had misbehaved with the teacher and made her upset, I try to discuss and listen to their side of the story also. Previously, I used to scream at them but now the reasoning part is there. I couldn’t believe myself when at one point I gave them the choice of having another teacher to which they said ‘No’. The result was so encouraging when the teacher told me that they have really changed their behaviour. With teachers also, I think I find myself in a better position to resolve their conflicts.” Aaliya Pervez Head Teacher

“I feel I’m getting better at problem solving and conflict resolution without being loud or harsh with my students. All the credit goes to the ECE-CP. Thank You TRC-IECE.” Khadija Mustafa Class 1 Teacher

“Joining TRC-IECE was a conscious decision on my part and definitely the best decision of my life. Always in a cognitive conflict throughout my teaching years, looking for my unanswered questions … here I am getting them all, and I love every minute spent at the TRC-IECE. I never felt at home anywhere else before. I am consciously making an effort to convince family and friends to go for this programme. Just GO FOR IT! For me it’s a life changing experience!!” Sara Alqera Class 1 Teacher